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Examples of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Examples of fraud, waste, or abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Making travel choices or procurement/vendor selections that are contrary to existing policies or are unnecessarily extravagant or expensive
  • Personal use of BART materials, equipment, and/or time
  • Working in a non-BART position while getting paid by BART for the same hours
  • Calling in sick when not actually sick
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs during work hours
  • Creating unnecessary overtime
  • Altering/falsifying records or making false claims (e.g., travel claims, invoices)
  • Theft/embezzlement, including theft of time (e.g., claiming pay for time that wasn’t worked or not performing assigned work when on duty)
  • Conflicts of interest and ethics violations, such as using customer information for personal gain
  • False worker’s compensation claims
  • Inefficient procedures or management of resources (e.g., buying equipment that would be less expensive to rent, based on estimated usage; buying unnecessary materials or equipment; holding onto materials that could be returned, reused, or sold)
  • Misuse of authority (e.g., a supervisor asking staff to perform personal errands or tasks)
  • Misuse of position for personal gain (e.g., discussing future employment with a firm doing business with BART while having contract oversight responsibilities with that firm)
  • Gross mismanagement, such as circumventing BART policies and procedures
  • Gross neglect of duty
  • Intentional destruction, diversion, manipulation, misapplication, maltreatment, or misuse of BART resources
  • Substituting inferior products/materials or using counterfeit parts to reduce contract costs while increasing profit
  • Bid rigging or collusion
  • Receiving or giving kickbacks, bribes, or gratuities
  • Contractor overbilling (e.g., charging for more materials than were used or than the contracted price)
  • Falsification of certifications
  • Violations of laws, regulations, rules, policies and procedures, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements
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